Farm safety: How to prevent Wildfires


Wildfires and veld fires are one of the biggest dangers to our inland agricultural areas in the coming months. It is always a good idea to have proper plans in place in case of any emergency.  In this article, we will look at the different ways to ensure you are prepared and ready in the event of a fire.

Why is there an increased fire danger inland in the winter months and in the summer months in coastal areas in South Africa?


South Africa can be broken up into 2 general regions. The coastal areas where the dry season is in summer, and the inland areas where the dry season is in winter. Due to the lack of rainfall in these areas, the grass and vegetation are dry, increasing fire danger as fires can catch more easily in dry conditions. Especially if there is a prevailing wind to feed it even more.

For instance, the Western Cape coastal regions are blasted by dry conditions and strong winds in the summer months. The prevailing vegetation in the area, known as fynbos, is highly flammable, due to the oils contained in the plant. However, the Fynbos Biome requires the occasional fire to regenerate and redistribute water and nutrient resources. If these fires are controlled, the benefits to the biome are excellent, but uncontrolled fires in the Western Cape region lead to widespread disaster and devastation, especially in the Hangklip beach estates areas.

The inland areas are just as prone to veld fires due to the presence of large open veld or scrublands. These dry out in the winter months due to lack of rain in the area as previously mentioned and uncontrolled fires in these areas are just as disastrous as getting large fires under control is a mammoth effort.

Where do fires start?

Fires can be started by the sun catching a piece of glass in the veld, irresponsible people making campfires or throwing away cigarette buts, defective machinery, and even unsafe machinery repairs.

A fire can start in the blink of an eye and it can spread into a raging inferno if not contained fast enough so fire preparedness is of utmost importance to you and your property.

What is your responsibility with regards to the dangers of veld & forest fires?


South African legislation compels landowners to be responsible and take action to minimize the chances of wildfires. This legislation also asks the landowner to contact the local municipality and join a fire protection association. This includes the creation and maintenance of firebreaks. These laws and bylaws are set out in a government gazette, linked here for ease of access.


Agmarket offers a range of fire fighting equipment available to the farmer with the ease of online shopping.

Visit the Fire Fighters category on the AgMarket Website to view the available options. We are always expanding our product base so feel free to visit the category once in a while to see our latest offerings. One of our most comprehensive products available is the 40 Bar High-Pressure Fire Fighter, pictured below.

Tips to combat veld fires and the spreading of wildfires

The most important thing on your list should be to be an active member of a Fire Protection Association. Farmers need to work together and share ideas and solutions to mitigate the risk of fires spreading.

You should have an action plan in the event of a fire. Your family or employees and even neighbors in the area should know what to do in the event of a fire. Everyone should know in advance what their roles are and who is responsible for what role.

It is recommended that you restrict the use of farm machinery on days when the fire danger is high.

Repair jobs with welders and cutting torches should only be used in clean areas, away from flammable and combustible materials.

You can keep an eye on the Fire Danger Index and try to minimize risks taken during a high fire index rating period. You can click the link to the Fire Danger Index forecast on the South African Weather Service website. For instance, you can also view the AFIS website for real-time fire information.

Invest in proper firefighting equipment and fire prevention equipment such as fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, sprinklers as well as petrol or diesel-powered water pump as listed above.

Firebreak options:

There are also several ways to build upon natural fire breaks to stop a fire from spreading. Discussing and implementing firebreaks with your neighbors is of utmost importance as these breaks should be in the right place. Co-operation and sharing the costs with surrounding neighbors can also help mitigate the costs involved in setting up fire breaks.

Natural fire breaks include rivers or dams and can also be created from rock outcrops and cultivated lands. Building upon these natural breaks in vegetation will ensure that a fire cannot spread uncontrollably.

Planting large green trees that are fire-retardant around a property or fields can create a canopy to trap burning material from being spread by the wind. You need to ensure the area is also mowed or grazed to avoid the build-up of flammable foliage or leaves.

Another fire break option is to augment your access roads by grazing or mowing the area directly adjacent to the road. Ridge tops are excellent locations for access roads and make good firebreaks because roads are normally devoid of vegetation, and thus have less fuel for the fire to spread.

Burned firebreaks will need to be maintained annually by burning two parallel strips, at least a meter wide and placed 5 meters apart. The area between strips must be cleared of vegetation and burned to create the firebreak. This method is extremely successful but you will need the cooperation of the Fire protection association and the fire brigade to safely implement the burned firebreak.



Veld and forest fires are a regular occurrence in South Africa and being prepared to fight these fires, is of utmost importance to any farmer or person for that matter as fires can quickly escalate. Get your fire safety plans in place and order your fire safety equipment online with AgMarket today. AgMarket is the farmer's online choice with easy payment options and delivery right to your doorstep.



Government Gazette – government gazette

Arrive Alive Article - Firebreaks and Safety from Fire in Rural and Farming Areas (

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